Designing, developing, and operating microservices with Go programming language and .Net Core.
- Gorm ORM library
- Echo Web framework and Gin Web framework is used with Go microservices
- MVC framework, Entity Framework Core is used with .Net Core
- Kafka
- Akka with Event Sourcing design pattern.
Building and maintaining GitLab CI/CD pipelines.
Designing, building, and developing Web application with React.Js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and
authenticated web application with Keycloak.
Developing and maintaining WebAPI application with MVC framework, Entity Framework Core and .Net Core.
Deploying, orchestrating and managing microsevices using Docker and Kubernetes with AWS.
Managing and operating databases, MSSQL and PostgreSQL.
Managing cloud computing service, AWS and Azure.
Searching and learning Elastic Search and FSCrawler.
Building application to copy data folders using Java.
Searching and learning Kibana.
Microsoft Açık Akademi internship.