Multi-faceted Engineer, from the electrons to the Cloud <br><i class="fa fa-heart"></i> building projects, and helping others build their projects
Startup founder
Connecting your banks to your life
- Backend, frontend, devops, bizdev
- Authentication APIs (Oauth2, Auth0)
- OpenAPI
Instructor in Electronics & laser cutting
Course development, instruction of small groups in the manipulation & beecoming independent
- laser cutting machines (Trotec)
- Electronics lab (soldering, PCB conception & fabrication)
Full Stack Developer
Part of a remote team of 5 engineers at FIT Iot-LAB <br><a href="https://"></a>
- Maintenance of the platform\'s backend, frontend code, CLI-tools, APIs
- Sysadmin. Deployments of servers
- Managing of two successful internships
Development Engineer
Maintenance, execution of laser micromachining jobs on a femtosecond laser
- Development of interface software: WPF .NET UI, AlphaCAM postprocessor, G-code generation
Research Assistant
Research in micro-nano electronics (new transistor structure)
- Developed tools for data collection & processing, instrumentation.
- Excel VBA, Matlab Scripts, Comsol simulations. Technology CAD (TCAD) (Silvaco ATLAS)