As part of Agile project team, creating new websites and developing new functionality for existing websites of Medical Laboratories and Clinics
Used technologies/tools: PHP 5, Symfony 2, Doctrine 2, Twig, PostgreSQL 9, Redis, git, HTML5, Bower, Twitter Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, SOAP, REST, JSON, Behat, Redmine, Jenkins, Apache Ant, PHPUnit, PHP Depend, PHP Mess Detector, PHP Copy/Paste Detector, oAuth 2.0, Jaspersoft iReport, Capistrano.
Responsibilities: creating PHP dev and prod app environment, managing dev and prod servers.
* patient portal for an extensive service to exchange medical and personal data with clinic's partners
* website for creating inquiry polls, integration via oAuth 2.0 with other company's website and desktop applications
* website for ordering and receiving laboratory, microbiology and cytology test results with advanced administration for partners (reports, invoices, partners units, staff and patients management)
* website for IVF recipients with extensive options to find desired donor
* Single sign-on application integrated with 3 different user authentication data source backends, with JSON REST API to receive user data, privileges and documents (regulations, granted permission for data processing)