Mert Nuhoglu
Mert Nuhoglu

Mert Nuhoglu

Principal Process Consultant/Trainer & Software Developer





I love developing new software products that are innovative. I love engineering a lot. I believe that good engineering is both scientific and artistic activity.

Work Experience

Work Experience

  • Software Developer and Cofounder

    Feb, 2017 - Present

    i-terative Analytics builds optimization software for logistics and manufacturing.

  • Software Project Manager

    Nov, 2015 - Jan, 20171 year 2 months

    LERIS project is an enterprise GIS software development project.

    The customers are government agencies in European countries.

    The customers ask us to automate their internal processes such as:

    • Soil and geobotanical survey to measure land quality
    • Drawing boundaries of different types of areas
    • Lease and sales of public lands

    We established a CMMI based process infrastructure for the project in cooperation with CMMI Institute High Maturity Lead Appraiser/Instructor Wayne K. Littlefield. We followed CMMI process areas of Level 2 and Level 3.

    The whole system consists of 4 software tools:

    • Frontend: HTML+Javascript
    • Backend: Java
    • GIS services: ArcGIS Server
    • Database: Oracle

    Important libraries in backend side:

    • Spring for dependency injection
    • Activiti for workflow management
    • Spring-Rest
    • Spring-Data
    • Spring-Boot

    Important libraries in frontend:

    • ArcGIS JS API
    • CycleJS
    • RxJs

    Tools that we use:

    • Git
    • Gitlab
    • Maven
    • Docker
    • Jenkins

    Methods that we follow:

    • CI (Continous Integration)
    • TDD (Test Driven Development)
    • DDD (Domain Driven Design)

    Design and programming skills that we value:

    • Good understanding of principles of good design such as:
      • separation of concerns,
      • composition over inheritance,
      • encapsulate what varies,
      • don't repeat yourself,
      • do only one thing and do it well (unix philosophy)
    • Functional programming knowledge

    We try to establish a work system that has the following characteristics:

    • Clearly defined processes
    • Automated measurement of progress
    • Tracking the relationships between work products easily

    Some other important goals and values are:

    • Agile values as described in
    • Good documentation leads to good communication which leads to good software
    • Automating all manual tasks as much as possible
    • Prototyping in order to assess technical and customer side risks
    • Sharing knowledge within the team, with the customer and with the general community
  • Software Developer & Technical Consultant

    Feb, 2006 - Apr, 201610 years 2 months

    BTGrubu is the Turkey distributor of the Borland’s and Embarcadero’s software products. Borland has a vast amount of products covering the whole application development lifecycle. The product category covers testing, requirements analysis, design, configuration management, project management and development of software projects. I trained and gave consulting services to our customers on how use these products with effective software engineering methods in their projects.


    Some of the organizations, that I gave training and consulting services, are TÜİK, Meteksan, Botaş/Docuart, TAI, TSK, Oyak Teknoloji, Tübitak, PTT, Tapu Kadastro/Sentim, İller Bankası/Docuart, Alcatel, Ray Sigorta, Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü, Tarım Bakanlığı, Netcad, Beko.

    Trainings that I gave:

    • Sofware Testing Management Workshop Training
    • Requirements Management Workshop Training
    • Requirement Definition Workshop Training
    • UML Workshop Training
    • Design Patterns and Object Oriented Development
  • Data Scientist

    May, 2014 - Aug, 20151 year 3 months

    I am responsible of collection, cleaning, analysis of SEC, OTCM, OTCBB data. BizQualify is a San Francisco based startup founded by Jose Plehn Dujowich BizQualify develops a financial intelligence and decision support software for investors. The product allows the investors to review the performance of more than 250K private/public companies in USA.

  • Founder & Software Developer

    Oct, 2009 - May, 20144 years 7 months

    Yunus Technology is a software company focused on developing innovative web sites. It operated several community web sites in different areas, such as healthy life (, education of preschool children (, energy industry (, Turkish diaspora in Ukraine ( Moreover innovative marketplace apps were built and operated by the company. was a marketplace application for micro services. was a shopping cart for porcelain products.

    I developed several web sites and ecommerce sites for various clients.



  • Software Development
  • Data Science
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Software Engineering
  • BTG (Bilgi ve Teknoloji Grubu)
  • Oyak Teknoloji
  • Project Planning and Monitoring & Control
  • Lean Thinking
  • Databases
  • R
  • Use Case Analysis
  • Measurement based project management systems for the effective software development process management
  • System Dynamics
  • Spring Framework
  • Hibernate
  • Data Analysis
  • E-commerce
  • SQL
  • Vim
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Enterprise Software
  • Python
  • Data Cleaning
  • WordPress
  • Lean Startup
  • Java
  • Content Marketing
  • Software Design
  • Project Management
  • Test Driven Development
  • Data Modeling
  • Systems Thinking
  • Software Project Management
  • Bash
  • Business Analysis
  • Django
  • Spring
  • Web Applications
  • Design Patterns
  • JavaScript
  • UML
  • Mobile Applications
  • Object Oriented Design


  • Industrial Engineering, Graduate, Boğaziçi University

    Dec, 2006 - Dec, 2009

    IE59A - Special Studies in System Dynamics

    BM544 - Biological Modelling

    IE505 - Stochastics

    IE602 - System Dynamics Modeling & Analysis

    IE550 - Systems Theory

  • Industrial Engineering, Undergrad, Boğaziçi University

    Dec, 1998 - Dec, 2002

  • , , Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi

    Dec, 1998 - Dec, 1999

Volunteer Work

Volunteer Work

  • Volunteer, Netsquared Istanbul

    Jul, 2011 - Jul, 2014

    “Netsquared Istanbul” is a civil organization founded in 2011 July by Ayşegül Güzel. Currently, we are a team of 4 volunteers. The goal of the organization is to promote the usage of new technologies for pro bono purporses. Each month, we organize some event on social entrepreneurship.

    In these events we invite people that have done exemplary activities for public good. We listen to their stories and provide a discussion forum open to everybody. Moreover, we organize events such as “Social Media Surgeries” and “Hackathons” that help non-profit organizations to extend their capacities.

  • Coordinator of Entrepreneurship Support Group, Boğaziçi Yöneticiler Vakfı

    May, 2012 - May, 2014

    I am the coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Workshops of the Bogazici Yoneticiler Vakfı (BYV) which is a foundation established by the alumni of Bogazici University. We organize events in order to support entrepreneurship in technological and innovative areas. We want to become a peer support network for entrepreneurs and to-be entrepreneurs.

    I gave internet entrepreneurship training for 55 people in July 2012. We organized several seminars and conversations with various internet entrepreneurs.

  • Organizer of Wordpress Days, Wordpress Turkey

    Mar, 2013 - Apr, 2014

    Wordpress Turkey is a voluntary group of Wordpress developers. We organize events in order to meet other Wordpress developers and share our knowledge with each other.



  • Simulation Modeling of Body Weight Dynamics and Web Game Development, Master Thesis

    Published on: Sep 01, 2009

    This is the MS thesis completed in 2009 September in Bogazici University Industrial Engineering department under the supervision of Prof. Yaman Barlas.

    In the thesis, we build a valid simulation model of the body weight dynamics system of a healthy, adult person. The model is based on Hall's body weight simulation model.

    Apart of the simulation model, we develop a software that automatically generates and runs a web based simulation game for any system dynamics model.

  • The Effects of System Dynamics Approach in Science Education in Middle School, System Dynamics Conference 2008

    Published on: Jul 01, 2008

    The aim of this study is to 1) apply system dynamics approach in 7th grade middle school students in science and technology course, 2) determine the problems in field application, 3) improve the students’ attitude against course and some skills such as problem solving, understanding the causal relationship and graphing with analyzing the relationship, 4) provide an effective learning and teaching tools for students and teachers. Another aim of this study is to investigate how system dynamics approach help constructivism.

  • Traffic Deadlock Caused By Two Intersections, System Dynamics Conference 2002

    Published on: Jul 01, 2002

    This is a mathematical model of traffic congestion that is intrinsically generated by the structure of two intersections. When the outflow of a road is squeezed, then the accumulation of the cars causes the outflow of the reverse direction to squeeze. This small triggering causes a positive feedback loop to work and make the whole system to congest.



  • Cagatay Cakan

    Mert worked in Magis Technology, a software house, for nearly one year. During this time, he carried out several jobs that required wide array of skills. He is a very fast self learner. He can adapt himself to unknown project requirements. He is a proactive and self-motivated team member who tries to advance the company in areas even if these areas are not primarily his own responsibilities. He analyzes the problems in a systematic way and he likes looking into the feedback loops that lie beneath the symptoms of the problems.

  • Burak Buke

    I have known Mr. Mert Nuhoglu since 1999 as a fellow student at Bogazici University Industrial Engineering Department. During our undergraduate study, I had the opportunity to work on various projects in the same groups, take courses with Mert and after our graduation we have very often exchanged ideas at a professional level which gave me the opportunity to observe Mert’s personal development and appreciate his exceptional qualities.

    Mert is always very good at exploring opportunities for self development and very eager to pursue them. In our second year at Bogazici University, Mert was the one who pointed out that we could get involved in the projects taking place at Vision laboratory run by Prof. Aytul Ercil. Then, we have taken an informal graduate level course on machine vision and statistical data mining from Prof. Ercil and worked on designing and applying data mining techniques to real world problems. This effort initiated by Mert marks the beginning of my research career.

    After graduation, Mert has completed his MSc in Bogazici University and developed an interest in IT. He is always very keen on learning different languages and improving his programming skills in order to find out the best tools needed for his projects. He is also very keen on disseminating as he learns through blogs and social networking and he is one of the first people I consult when I need an advice about computing tools.

    On a personal level, Mert is one of the most rational people I have ever met and tries to resolve all conflicts via reason. In these 15 years that I have known Mert, I have never seen him raising his voice. In a discussion, if Mert sees that the idea that he is supporting is less logical then the other idea, he has no problem changing his mind. On the other hand if he is not convinced, he argues his ideas in a soft manner until a logical conclusion is reached.

    Mert will be successful in any topic that he is motivated and he does not give up easily pursuing his ideals. I would highly recommend him.