Gabriel Alejandro López López

Technology entrepreneur who also likes to explore other business areas. Advocate of free and open technologies on which he have based most of my work as a software developer for the last 10 years. Passionate about creating new products and services that can positively influence people's lives, a goal that he have been pursuing at Daxslab.


Software Engineering

Software Development

Project Management

Object Oriented Programming

Web Development

  • PHP
  • Yii PHP Framework
  • CodeIgniter
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • Responsive Web Design

Desktop development

  • C++
  • Python
  • Qt
  • Java

Database design

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite


  • Linux
  • Apache


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Customer Service

Work Experience (7)
  • PHP

  • Yii PHP Framework

Software engineering and development micro-company specialized in applying agile methodologies for web, mobile and desktop projects. With the shortest delivery times, what is essential for us is that you get the results you are looking for in the minimum time and at the lowest possible cost: we only build what is essential at any given time. We love to share our ideas. We believe that the free and open source software movements have opened the way to high quality agile software development. For that reason we feel the need to contribute to the community with the same quality that we have received.

  • General management

  • Customer service

  • Engineering

  • Development
  • PHP

  • Yii PHP Framework

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • Bootstrap

Teaching the 'Marketing and Administration' and 'Sales and Customer Service' modules of the Taller Emprende. I also provide especilized advice to entrepreneurs in these areas.

  • Marketing

  • Management

  • Sales

  • Customer Service

Receiving guests from all over the world and helping them to experience and enjoy the best of Cienfuegos city

Fullstack web developer for improving players profiles and adding features like court management and local leagues, among others.

  • PHP

  • Yii PHP Framework

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • Bootstrap

Professor of Data Structures 1 and Data Structures 2 (Java), Business Application Development (Java) and Web Programming (PHP). Trained students for competitive programming contests.

  • Java

  • PHP

  • Qt

  • C++

Projects (8)
Mar 2021 - Current

Free Trucking Job Board

  • Complete rewrite of the system and database design

  • Import data from old website

  • Ensure fluid migration for old users

  • Integration with Western Truck Insurances Services, Inc. API for quotes

Cement Factory of Cienfuegos
Jan 2020 - Current

Website and intranet (not yet in production)

  • Corporative Website

  • Intranet portal

Western Truck Insurance Services, Inc.
May 2020 - Current

Corporative Website

  • Improving Wordpress theme architecture

  • Improving API consumption

  • Enhance security of forms against spam

Rating system for Western Truck Insurance Services, Inc.
May 2020 - Current

CRM for Western Truck Insurance Services, Inc.

  • Rewriting from PHP 5 to 7 and base framework and libraries upgrade

  • Improving architecture

  • New features

  • Securing API

Center for environmental studies of Cienfuegos
Jan 2018 - Current

Website and digitalization of processes

  • Corporative Website

  • Intranet portal

  • Projects Management System

  • HHRR Management System

  • Worklog Management System

  • CV Management System

  • Performance Evaluation Management System

Santiago Hermes
Jan 2016 - Current

Website for visual artist Santiago Hermes

Jan 2016 - Current

Website for architecture studio

May 2015 - Current

Cuban Real Estate Portal


Software Developer
University of Havana
Mar 2020 - Current

Working on Covid19 Cubatadata dashboard

Software Developer
Dec 2019 - Current

Developing Cuba Weather platform

Software Developer
Aug 2019 - Current

Yii2 CMS module to implement a website.

Cuban Opensource
Jun 2019 - Current

Awesome list of Cuban open source projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba...

Software Developer
Jan 2018 - Current

Yii2 component to generate image thumnails of any size.

Software Developer
Dec 2017 - Current

Automates file uploading for every attribute tagged with file or image validation rule. It also configures the way that filename should be renamed and stored in database as attribute value.

Software Developer
Dec 2017 - Current

Extension to help setup the standard HTML meta tags besides the ones defined by Opengraph and TwitterCard to contribute to website SEO.

Education (8)

Master of Science (MSc)
Business Administration
Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez
2013 - 2015
Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez
2012 - 2013
Taller Emprende, Business Administration and Management
2015 - 2015
Geospatial data infrastructures
Universidad de Ciencias Informaticas
2012 - 2012
Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez
2012 - 2013
Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas
2013 - 2013
Informatics Engineering
Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez
2007 - 2012
Pre-Intermediate English
Good News Language Institute
2012 - 2015


Best student in Research and Development
Universidad de Cienfuegos

Award given to the graduating students with outstanding activity in research and development in projects not included in regular curriculum.



Native Speaker





  • Speed skating


“ Tuve la suerte de que el Gabo fuera mi profesor de Estructura de Datos en segundo año de la carrera, uno de los mejores que tuve en mi época de estudiante, aprendí un moton de el. Eternamente agradecido ”
Jose Manuel Mclanghlin Matienzo
“ Un profesional competente , muy bien preparado, emprendedor, capaz de afrontar nuevas metas y salir exitoso, experto en desarrollo de aplicaciones, muy buen compañero de equipo. ”
Adrián Fonseca Vega
“ He trabajo con Gabriel en desarrollo de proyectos de software, muy resolutivo, posee un amplio conocimiento en el ámbito del software y las tecnologías libres, emprendedor por naturaleza y un pedazo de persona. Sencillamente alguien en quien depositar la confianza de desarrollo de un proyecto, sin lugar a dudas. ”
Ibrahim Martín Lorenzo
“ Excelente desarrollador web, multiples proyectos en su cartera hacen de Gabriel un profesional en el sector de desarrollo web. Altamente responsable y serio en su trabajo. Lo recomiendo notablemente. ”
Erich J. Garcia Cruz
“ Excellent and focused developer, very good transmitting and creating ideas. Great as a teammate, has a really well skilled developer with lots of experience. ”
Sandy Pérez
“ Gabriel is an excellent developer, with experience in developing web, desktop and mobile systems. He is a great professional with a strong background in object-oriented programming, data structures, and design patterns. I have worked alongside you in the development of two successful projects of medium complexity: development of a ISO-9001-nonconformity management system and development of a billing system. It is very good for teamwork, with tight schedules and under pressure. ”
Luis Enrique García Hernández
“ Gabriel es un excelente profesional he estudiado con él los 5 años de la universidad y luego participado en otros proyectos liderados por él de forma exitosa agregando valor a los clientes y logrando la transformación digital. Constamente está investigando, desarrollando soluciones y capacitando para que muchas personas desarrollen su potencial utilizando la tecnología. ”
Yadira María Montero Rodríguez
“ I had the priviledge of studying and working with Gabriel. He is a high skilled worker, proactive, result oriented, responsible and an excelent team player. He is an outstanding project lead with excelent aptitudes. I highly recommend that Gabriel is a great asset to any company. ”
José Armando Menéndez Clavijo
“ Emprendedor por naturaleza, muy buen programador, abnegado y preocupado por su familia. Lo recomiendo para cualquier team, incluso como líder. ”
Lázaro Borroto
“ Has been always a pleasure to work with Gabriel Alejandro. He communicates directly and concise his ideas providing always insightful information about the project in question. He keeps a good eye on the product quality, and delivers its results accurately in time. In general I can recommend him to do whatever activity he thinks he is able to do. ”
David Paz
“ Recomiendo totalmente a Gabriel por su profesionalidad y excelente personalidad. Es muy dedicado a su trabajo y amante del software abierto. Es muy agradable el trabajo en equipo y en los momentos donde he necesitado su ayuda me la ha dado con gran gusto. ”
Leynier Gutiérrez González
“ Excelente profesional, alto nivel en programación, abstracción y sistemas operativos. Confiable e innovador. Excelente expresión oral, líder y motivador de su entorno. Sabe trabajar estupendamente en equipo. Domina muchas tecnologías y sistemas. ”
Rewer Miguel Canosa Reyes