Resume of Ethan Coe-Renner

Ethan Coe-Renner
Computer Science Undergraduate


Motivated Computer Science undergraduate with interests ranging from low level systems programming to high level data analysis programming. Currently seeking a summer internship in computing for the summer of 2022.

Work Experience

GATC Tutor
Tutor peers in classes including: Discrete Mathematics, Computing Theory, and Digital Design


  • June 2019

    Boy Scouts of America

    Eagle Scout

    I earned my Eagle Scout as the culmination of 10 years in the scouting program. I served in many leadership positions during those years, managing service projects, planning events, and teaching younger scouts in these roles.

  • June 2020

    University of the Pacific

    Regent's Scholarship

    Scholarship awarded by UOP for academic excellence.


  • Teeny Tiny Compiler: A compiler for teeny tiny, a programming language I created, in part following a tutorial. Includes a lexer, parser, and emitter written entirely in Rust.
  • Genetic Dots: A genetic algorithm for pathfinding around obstacles. Generates a random population of dots on which a genetic algorithm is used to optimize their paths.
  • Rustbar (The Second One): A status bar written for use in the spectrwm window manager. Accesses linux system information to display network, battery, volume, etc.
  • Three Coloring: A rust program to convert a three coloring problem (graph theory) into a satisfiability problem (SAT).



  • 2020 2024 (expected)

    University of the Pacific


    Computer Science

    Grade: 3.97

    • COMP 047 - Discrete Math for Comp Science
    • COMP 053 - Data Structures
    • COMP 055 - Application Development
    • ECPE 071 - Digital Design
    • MATH 037 - Intro Stat & Prob
    • COMP 147 - Computing Theory
    • COMP 157 - Design/Analaysis of Algorithms
    • ECON 053 - Introductory Microeconomics
    • ECPE 170 - Computer Systems & Networks


Programming Languages
Rust C Python C++ Java Bash LaTeX Emacs Lisp R
Linux 5 years
Debian Arch Nix
Git 6 years
Both independent and collaborative projects
Text Editors/IDEs
Emacs Vim Eclipse PyCharm VS Code Atom