Diego Chappedelaine

Passionate about code, I develop both front and backend interfaces, mainly in React and NodeJS with a strong appetite for TypeScript. I like to learn, understand, test and make the user experience as pleasant and fun as possible.


Web Development

  • JavaScript (ES2020+)
  • React - React Native
  • SSR React (Next.js)
  • TypeScript
  • Jest - React Testing Library
  • Redux
  • Git
  • GraphQL - Apollo

Work Experience (3)

Jan 2021 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
Publicis Sapient

Operating as a frontend Developer for a multi-tenant b2b marketplace

  • Working on an e-commerce in micro-frontend architecture

  • Development of design-system components

  • Maintaining backend for frontend using GraphQL in a mono-repo with end-to-end type safety

  • Stack: TypeScript, Next.js, NX, jest, react-testing-library, Apollo GraphQL, storybook

Jan 2020 - Jan 2021
Frontend Developer

Operating as a frontend developer on an online marketplace for housing rental specialised in colivings

  • Development of React components and architectures within a team of 5 people

  • Development of a rental management application (property deposit / rental file application)

  • Building a booking flow, integration of payment using Stripe

  • Stack: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Apollo GraphQL, styled-components, i18n

Jan 2020 - Jan 2021
Fullstack Developer

Operating as a Full Stack developer in the development of an MVP for a Sneaker mobile Application

  • Development of an App in React Native with login, news feed and calendar

  • Backend development, REST API with NodeJS and MongoDB

  • Web scrapping of a dozen media

  • Stack: React Native, Expo, Redux, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose

Education (1)

Software Development
Le Reacteur
2020 - 2020





Native speaker


Musician (drummer) studio and live