Colby M. White Principal full-stack engineer and technical leader
Experienced polyglot engineer and team lead with a focus in JavaScript and Java. Comfortable in multiple layers of an application’s stack including front- end, back-end and DevOps development.
Contributed features as a senior member of the development team for company’s Google Apps Backup product
Created Chef recipes to help enforce consistency between the team’s multiple environments, including local developer-focused Vagrant machines and production stacks
Diagnosed and corrected front-end performance issues in order to scale SaaS application for large, enterprise customers A blog to chroncle thoughts and brainstorm around edge technologies and Jamstack concepts.
Harris County Booking Data Gathering: An Open Austin serverless project that accumulates the book- ing information published in Harris County’s daily JIMS 1058 reports into a search-friendly format. The intent is to aide non-profit organizations looking to do data research across time spans greater than a day.
aws-cf-monitor: A wrapper around the AWS CloudFormation Node.js API that monitors the progress of the CloudFormation commands while providing smart logging. The intent is to remove a lot of boiler-plate code to poll the progress of a stack.