Cezary Dynak

JavaScript / Node.js developer for IoT; Cloud / Embedded Linux enthusiast; Contemporary history + music passionate;

2022-10-31 —

Node.js developer

2019-03-31 —

CTO and co-owner

- Driving migration from legacy to modern technologies (React, GraphQL, TypeScript, Deno) - Designing new product for warehouses, with ERP integration - Helping with time estimation and valuation of projects - Organizing internal trainings and knowledge sharing - Delegating management responsibilities to other team members

2017-01-31 — 2019-03-31

owner - as dynak.net

- Learning how to run own business - Defining back-end and front-end architecture - Introducing agile workflow - Supporting existing clients - Building the team and the community around the product

2021-04-30 — 2022-10-31

Head of Node.js

- Managing Node.js service line - Leading Node.js teams and taking care of professional growth of Node.js developers - Overseeing all Node.js projects, assuring quality of the service and high level of client's satisfaction

2021-01-31 — 2021-03-31

Node.js tech lead

- Developing back-end for front-end layer as a part of VoIP platform. - Creating serverless applications with Serverless Framework - Writing code with Node.js and TypeScript - Managing AWS deployments - Defining product roadmap

2017-01-31 — 2021-03-31

IT Services Contractor

2017-01-31 — 2020-12-31

Senior Node.js developer

- Development of industrial cloud application - Creating REST API with Node.js - Integrating domain specific knowledge into configuration - Integrating microservices with cloud infrastructure - Providing communication with IoT gateways - Providing support for testers and OPS - Working with version control system (Git) and project management system (Jira) - Working in agile methodology (Scrum)

2015-06-30 — 2016-12-31

Full-stack developer

- Development of industrial web application - Development of web applications integrated with company workflow - Linux/UNIX servers administration - Using and maintaining databases (MySQL, SQLite) - Using and maintaining version control systems (git, svn) - Using and maintaining project management system (Redmine) - Programming in Node.js - Low level TCP/IP socket programming - Using standard network protocols (FTP, SSH, SMTP, etc.) - Using build tools (make, autotools) - Using and programming in shell (bash) - Providing support for application users

2012-10-31 — 2015-05-31

Full-stack developer

- Development of industrial web application - Creating user interface with html-css-javascript - Working with Apache/MySQL/PHP stack - Linux/UNIX servers administration - Programming in C/C++ - Low level TCP/IP socket programming - Using standard network protocols (FTP, SSH, SMTP, etc.) - Using build tools (make, autotools) - Using and programming in shell (bash) - Providing support for application users

2012-09-30 — 2012-09-30

Full-stack developer

- Development of industrial web application (PoC)

2012-05-31 — 2014-07-31

C-3/07 Laboratory Technician

- Linux/UNIX servers administration (legendary Diablo, Panamint, Sequoia) - Working with Apache/MySQL/PHP stack - Maintain local network of department - Manage LDAP server and Sun/Oracle Sun Ray clients - Providing help for students and staff - Laboratory technical support - Creating documentation - Troubleshooting

Brave Festival 2009-07-31 — 2011-07-31

obsluga techniczna festiwalu

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology 2015-12-31 — 2018-12-31

Embedded Robotics
Master of Science - MS

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology 2010-12-31 — 2015-12-31

Automatyka i Robotyka
Bachelor of Engineering - BE

Liceum Ogólnokształcące Nr III im. Adama Mickiewicza we Wrocławiu 2007-12-31 — 2010-12-31

mathematics, information technology

Zarobki w IT. Przeglądamy raporty wynagrodzeń we frontendzie 2021-09-24

Published by Just Join IT

Nie byłem głównym autorem tego artykułu, ale udzieliłem tam swój komentarz :)

Embedded Node.js - something fancy or simple and proved? 2019-02-27

Published by Node.js Wrocław #2 Meetup

- What is an embedded system - Motivation and purpose - How to deploy Node.js on embedded Linux - Use-cases - Highlights and risks

From Embedded Linux Build Systems to Edge Computing 2018-10-24

Published by Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference & OpenIoT Summit Europe 2018

Buildroot, OpenWRT, LTIB, PTXDist, Yocto Project - probably you heard about one of those tools, but do you know all of them? Have you ever run a compilation process for whole Linux distribution by your own, not just kernel or single package? With a little bit of live coding, I will present how create complete Linux system with sample application as well as a Docker base images using output of mentioned distribution builders. This idea seems to fit perfectly with the current edge computing trends - being able to move place of code execution between cloud and embedded.

Embedded Linux build systems - wszechstronne porównanie 2018-04-07

Published by http://15.sesja.linuksowa.pl

Buildroot, OpenWRT, LTIB, PTXDist, Yocto Project - pewnie słyszałeś o przynajmniej jednym z tych narzędzi, ale czy znasz je wszystkie? Czy kiedykolwiek samodzielnie skompilowałeś całą dystrybucje Linuksa, nie tylko samo jądro lub pojedynczą paczkę? W tej prezentacji chciałbym przedstawić możliwości oraz porównać dostępne narzędzia zbiorczo określane jako 'Embedded Linux build systems'. Na przykład: Jaki jest czas i koszt pełnego procesu kompilacji na maszynach o rożnej mocy? Ile przestrzeni potrzebujemy na systemie hosta i jak małe obrazy systemu docelowego możemy uzyskać? Przedstawię również jak przy pomocy kilku komend i wykorzystaniu półproduktów budowania dystrybucji stworzyć bazowy obraz Dockera. Ten pomysł wydaje się idealnie pasować do obecnych trendów 'edge computing'. --- Buildroot, OpenWRT, LTIB, PTXDist, Yocto Project - probably you heard about one of those tools, but do you know all of them? Have you ever run a compilation process for whole Linux distribution by your own, not just kernel or single package? I'm going to present the possibilities of those Embedded Linux build systems, as well as some benchmarks and comparison. For example: What is the time and cost of a full compilation process on various cloud instances? How much space do we need on the host system and how small images of the target system can we get? With a little bit of live coding, I will also present how create a Docker base images using output of mentioned distribution builders. This idea seems to fit perfectly with the current edge computing trends.

Ciągła integracja




Viessmann Research & Development Center





Web Applications

Yocto Project



Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)








GNU Make









Professional Working
Limited Working
Native Speaker