Brian Kung

Brian is a longtime Illinois resident and father to three children who are his bosses. He is a master diaper changer and truck noise-maker looking for career growth opportunities as current managers are unimpressed with expertise in backend programming and web development.


Backend Web Development

  • Javascript
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Elixir

Frontend Web Development

  • Javascript
  • VueJS
  • HTML
  • CSS

Systems Programming

  • Rust

Work Experience (12)

  • Changing diapers

  • Potty training

  • Tantrum management

San Francisco / Remote,
  • Bug fixes and feature additions in an up-to-date Rails application. Mostly in BackboneJS on the frontend and a fairly conventional Rails backend.

Evanston / Remote,
  • Wrote credit card verification and fraud prevention for thousands of transactions per month

  • Identified qualified customers via TransUnion and ActiveProspect APIs

  • Improved ecommerce customer experiences with custom Spree Ecommerce: VueJS on the frontend and Rails 5.1 on the backend

  • Rails / PostgreSQL / Vue / Netsuite stack, deployed to Heroku and AWS, international and remote collaboration via Git/GitHub, Agile

Hong Kong / Remote,
  • Enabled direct sales to enterprise customers with Braintree integration

  • Saved thousands of operations hours with CSV upload

  • Developed API features with Python 3.4, Django 1.7+ and PostgreSQL

  • Implemented CSV data import, user authentication, SPA frontend features in Backbone/Marionette

  • Pre-rendered thousands of customer badges using Python Wand and ImageMagick

  • Deployed to Heroku, managed source code with Git and GitHub

  • Developed API with Ruby on Rails 4.x and PostgreSQL using TDD with RSpec, Capybara

  • Implemented photo upload to AWS S3 and image cropping, authorization and token authentication using Devise gem

  • Deployed to Linode using Ansible, Capistrano 2.x, and AWS S3

  • Worked in 1 week Agile sprints, captured stories and tracked progress using Pivotal Tracker

  • Implemented customizable image cropping for 40+ editors to use on thousands of articles

  • Maintained and updated a CMS, front-end, and hypermedia REST API for the Chicago Sun-Times using Ruby on Rails 3.2 and MongoDB

  • Testing with RSpec, Capybara, and Selenium, deployed to AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and S3, managed source code with Git and GitHub using git flow workflow

Chicago / Remote,
  • Validated MVP using Business Canvas

  • Ran open-ended UX interviews and implemented prototypes

  • Managed code contributions via Git/GitHub - fully open source

  • Docker / Rails / PostgreSQL / Vue stack, deployed to Heroku

  • Consultant at Networking Research Group (Groovy/Grails)

  • Technical and design consultant for Project Credo

  • Maintained and improved Toadlane in Rails

  • Created / maintained Wordpress installations for Fennel & Iris, Vital Points Therapy

  • Organically grew the meetup to hundreds of members and donors

  • Created game rules for, ran monthly meetings

  • Found sponsors for food and space and organized event times

  • Developed to track of game scores and spread rules

Education (1)

East Asian Languages and Culture
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2007 - 2011



Native speaker

Chinese 普通话




  • Ethology
  • Ecosystems
  • Microbiology
  • Integrative Biology

Movement Arts

  • Dance
  • Martial Arts
  • Martial Arts Tricking
  • Parkour