Peter Blinov

Peter Blinov

Frontend Engineer



A frontend engineer with a background in physics. I found my passion for webdev in wrapping ambitious ideas with captivating interfaces. Most of the time I work with Vue, but I'm open to any bold stuff like Lit / Elm / Svelte / Solid / Nuxt / Qwik / Rust+Yew / etc. I also love type safety, so TypeScript / ReScript is highly appreciated. If you have a team of passionate nerds I would be happy to be a part of it.


02/2018 - 07/2021

Frontend Engineer

The lab worked on MOUSE project, which wraps some math stuff with a Flask server and provides a VueJS client full of high-freq visualization and interactivity.

  • worked on UX/UI-design
  • integrated Bootstrap 4, FontAwesome 4.7
  • wrote documentation with Sphinx/reST
  • successfully deployed for an offline bootcamp
07/2021 - Present

Senior frontend developer

Our team's been working on a news client. An app where every single bit of data can be filtered on the server and should be delivered to the client as fast as possible.

  • stack TypeScript / Vite / Vue 3 / Pinia
  • made tech decisions on front domain
  • generated type-safe API client from OpenAPI Spec
  • discussing things with other teams backend/devops
  • leading the front team
  • code review


National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

09/2012 - 02/2018

Master Department of theoretical and experimental physics (T)


There will be a reference from my colleagues.
— me