Rahul Chinta

Rahul Chinta

Web Developer

Professional Skills Summary

Frontend Technologies: HTML/CSS, Javascript, React, VueJS, Apollo, recompose, react-testing-library

Backend Technologies: NodeJS, Ruby, Python, RDBMS, NoSQL DBs, REST APIs, GraphQL, Serverless

Devops Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, Kong, AWS, Terraform

Software Delivery Practices: Continuous Delivery, Focus on E2E testing, Pair Programming, Clean Code, Fast Feedback, Agile Principles

Work Experience

2018-06-15 to Present

Application Developer / Senior Consultant at ThoughtWorks

ThoughtWorks is an organisation that helps clients deliver software better and faster.

Transformed a Ruby on Rails monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture for one of UK's leading health startups to improve their software delivery speed from monthly releases to daily releases.

Successfully led the frontend (React/Recompose/GraphQL) efforts to improve UX for a web-app to book on-call appointments for the above client. The staff using the app was attending to 3 times more patients in a given hour.

Improved software delivery for the second largest e-commerce company in Germany to scale their seller network that is growing by 1000s every month.

Architected solutions around cutting edge technologies that involved micro-frontends, API gateways, web components, serverless services (written in Python and Javascript), Terraform, OAuth2.0. This helped teams deliver (deploy and integrate) 20 times faster.

Successfully architected, and delivered a complex authorization system for a crucial business domain in an e-commerce setup.

Enabled a mailing service written in Python that communicates via queues and messages consumed by over 18 teams and runs as a function on AWS Lambda

Designed a highly performant and fault tolerant microfrontend page which saw loads of close to 1000 concurrent users.

Trained 50+ ThoughtWorkers to excel in Kubernetes via conducting workshops every 6 months.

Designed a highly successful platform for ThoughtWorkers to share their knowledge in a conference formats, imagine 'Tech Talks'. This has become particularly useful to discover and identify experts on technologies in a pool with 1000s of engineers.

Built an awesome community of Elixir enthusiasts in Hyderabad, India. This helped the developer community to closely engage with ThoughtWorks and improve the conversion ratio for the recruitment team.

Spoke at internal and external conferences about concepts that span across software delivery, testing, and frontend that directly helped 4 projects across ThoughtWorks.

2018-06-13 to 2015-08-04

Senior Full Stack Developer at eLitmus Evaluations

eLitmus is an assessments and recruiting firm. Worked extensively from envisioning, designing and building products from scratch.

Developer and Product Owner for elitmus.com - optimised processes for the recruitment and operations teams. Reduced techincal debt and improved the state of tests, so the product could evolve faster. All of this incrementally led to speeding up reports by 10x, speeding up CI pipelines by 200%.

Picked up Ruby on Rails and worked on it extensively across frontend and backend concerns.

Overhauled the design for the website from https://web.archive.org/web/20150322020903/https://www.elitmus.com/jobs to https://web.archive.org/web/20201127110125/https://www.elitmus.com/jobs

Themis - An app to track invigilators (photograph, and geolocation) across the country for test centers set up by the government of India. The product needed an Android app and a Ruby on Rails backend API, built from scratch.

Anuvaad - This application can translate a custom DSL to output code in 12 different programming languages. The intent was to speeden writing skeleton code for competetive coding problems.

Deduplication Engine - Designed and implemented an algorithm to identify duplicate profiles in eLitmus.com with more than 1,000,000 profiles.

Faces - Application to digitize admit cards of test takers and attach them to their profiles. The system was on-prem, moved it to AWS cloud, saved costs. Wrote a storage driver to make the app agnostic of the storage options (local, s3, azure)


2011-03-01 to 2015-05-01

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada

Bachelors of Technology: Electrical and Electronics Engineering


2020-05-16 to 2020-06-16


FreedomBox is a privacy focussed technology to allow for self-hosting of services typically offered by big tech and prone to data theft.

Transmuted the matrix-synapse server included in FreedomBox to support video calling. This became a real need in the 2020 COVID times.

Learnt Web RTC and how STUN/TURN servers work in the journey to do this.

2020-06-01 to 2020-07-01


Designed the 'Prajna' program along with a pair, which set the tone for the mentorship program that empowered 25+ transgender people to be financially independent and chalk out their own career paths.
