Upekshe Jayasekera

Upekshe Jayasekera

Software Engineer

Professional Skills Summary

Programming Languages: Java, Javascript, Typescript, SQL

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB

Testing Frameworks: Selenium, WebDriverIO, Mocha, Jest

Tools: Gatlin, Docker, K8, AWS Lambda

Work Experience

2022-09-19 to Present

Senior Software Engineer:

I am currently working as a senior software engineer in team Admin. Five weeks after joining the company I got the chance to join a task force team to complete a critical but urgent delivery to a one of the most important customers of Inspera, my contribution was with backend development to convert incoming tests from the existing system, we as the task-force team were able to complete the job successfully. After that I'm now working as the interim Tech Lead of the new internal team (Product team) of Team Admin. Technologies and tools: Java, SQL, XSL, XSLT, Typescript

2021-10-31 to 2022-07-31

Technical Lead:

I was responsible for two major components of the trading product at Yaala Labs. Designing and implementing new features for solutions (of the trading product) while generalizing them into the main product is the major part of my job. I was also involved in code reviews and issue fixing tasks. As a mini project company allocated five person team to conduct an architecture review of a microservices oriented banking solution, designed by a different company, for a reputed local bank. I had the responsibility of reviewing deployment, authentication and part of the API.

2020-07-31 to 2021-10-31

Associate Technical Lead:

I joined the newly formed team as the team to build a PoC for a cloud native Wealth Management SAAS. Initially I led the backend team(team of 3 developers), then at the latter part of the project was promoted to lead the full development team (team of 4 developers including the FE developer) till the completion of the PoC. Our team was able to complete the entire PoC on time, client was so happy and after the their initial round of funding awarded the MVP stage of the product to the company. After the completion of the Wealth management SAAS PoC, I joined the Financial Market product team to develop the next generation ecosystem for its first client, in the initial phase I started with restructuring reference data component of the existing platform to make it easily customizable, then co-wrote two other components (of the trading product) to handle post-trade related activities, negotiation and request for quote(RFQ) related activities. Finally, developed the operation cycle component which is responsible for handling the overall daily schedule of the trading system. Technologies and tools: NodeJS, AWS Lambda, AWS Step functions, DynamoDB, MongoDB, Redis, Kafka, Typescript, Jest, OpenAPI 3.0

2018-10-31 to 2020-06-30

Specialist Software Engineer:

I joined Yaala Labs as one of its starting members. Our first product is a workflow based banking solution co-owned by the company. I started as a FE developer for this product, my main job was to design customizable components. Meanwhile, I worked on a web test framework using WebdriverIO to test the workflow through frontend, and also developed a simple load testing tool using nodejs. After working on the frontend for a few months, I got the chance to develop three new backend components for the product. The components are FED (front end driver) component, which is responsible for providing REST and Web-Socket endpoints, Authserver, which is responsible for authenticating users and issuing auth tokens, Collection component which is responsible for handling client specific collection functionality of the banks. Currently there are three live clients and two soon to be live clients for this product. I have Helped two go-lives with providing client site support, on the latter with the help of my team members lead the development team till the go-live is complete. Technologies and tools: NodeJS, WebdriverIO, Typescript, Javascript, JWT, LDAP, Angular2+, Mocha

2018-03-31 to 2018-10-31

Specialist Software Engineer:

While working on the main product, I started working on a selenium based testing framework to write tests for the FEs which were developed using our FE framework.I worked with Gatlin to try implementing load testing for the web application. Technologies and tools: Vaadin 7, Java 8, Selenium, Gatlin, GIT, JIRA

2016-04-30 to 2018-03-31

Software Engineer:

I rejoined the company after completing the degree and was assigned to my previous team to work on the same FE framework I was working during my internship, worked mainly on building FE components, fixing bugs and implementing client requests, Started to directly involve in issues coming from solution teams and provide temporary solutions, quick fixes and workarounds. Technologies and tools: Vaadin 7, Java 8, GWT, GIT, JIRA

2014-10-31 to 2015-04-30

Software Engineer Intern:

I Joined LSEG Technology (MillenniumIT at that time) as a software engineer intern. I was assigned to the newly formed team to build the new Web FE framework which was to be used by the solution teams. Learned how to work with a small team to achieve quick results, learnt how to work in a corporate environment though I was not doing any role related to the management, picked up a few useful qualities from the Lead of the project. Technologies and tools: Vaadin 7, Java 8, Lucene, GWT, HTML, CSS


2011-12-31 to 2016-12-31

University of Moratuwa

Bachelor of Science (Hons): Computer Science and Engineering

1996-12-31 to 2009-12-31

Richmond College

School Education: Galle, Sri Lanka

  • English
  • Professional Working
  • Sinhalese
  • Native Speaker

Google Summer of Code 2016 Winner


Google Inc

I was chosen as a Winner of GSoC 2016

Google Summer of Code 2015 Winner


Google Inc

I was chosen as a winner of GSoC 2015 for the project I did for nio4r