Software Developer, GrammarSoft ApS
Mar, 2007 - Present
All the public-facing parts of the site, tools, and remote APIs. All the interaction between the front-end, the middle storage layer, and the linguistic back-ends. Performance optimization of said back-ends, including load-balancing and caching. Formatting-aware manipulation of rich text formats, such as DOCX, ODT, MediaWiki, in order to preserve the metadata through the linguistic analysis and machine translation engines.
GramTrans (2007): Rule-based machine translation.
Deepdict (2009): Dictionary with lexicographic relations.
WikiTrans (2010): Cross-language Wikipedia.
WikiTrans XL (2013): Application for crowd-sourcing bilingual dictionaries. Users are given possible translations and can verify, throw out, or amend them. Or add entirely new ones.
Kommaforslag (2015): Danish comma checker.
RetMig (2016): Danish spelling and grammar checker.
Commatizer (2020): English comma checker.
Kommatroll (2020): German comma checker.