Project Lead / Senior Application Developer,
Jun, 2009 - Dec, 201910 years 7 months
2019 - Re-wrote a customer facing web app for orders/inventory from Spring/JSP to Spring Boot/Vue. Also started a refactor of the project tracking app to use Vue with a Spring Boot API.
2018 - Created an app for tracking rebate payment requests to customers. The technology stack was JHipster (Spring Boot / React / Hibernate). The app uses a third party notification SAAS solution. It also uses SendGrid for email.
2017 - Created a project tracking Spring Boot application to replace an existing application written in QuickBase. This application has had rapid adoption and is the main hub for all Area Managers across the United States to enter project bid information. Scope has expanded to handle project/bid approval, goal tracking, and more.
2017 - Mentored a co-worker through the creation of a customer service reporting website that replaces an existing website developed at one of our mills. The website queries sales and shipment data to provide reports for employees across our engineered wood products mills.
2016 - Inherited a vendor created application called Sales & Allowance Tracker to track rebates paid to customers. I worked with end users to add features and scope to the application.
2015 - Worked remotely for five months from Australia on a major refactor of existing web services that performed truck and rail quotes. This system interacted with a vendor API to retrieve rates. This work simplified and standardized how all apps retrieve this information and also shielded these apps from vendor introduced changes.
2014 - Used JMS queues to send important bill of lading information to our Canadian brokerage in St. Jacques, Canada. This information had to have guaranteed delivery and timeliness to ensure truck drivers (and their cargo) would make it smoothly through border control.
2014 - Created Boise Profitability Analysis application as project lead. This app aggregates rebate, sales, and cost data across multiple systems to give accurate profitability numbers for all customers. This data is later analyzed in a dashboard application. In the first year, BPA saved the company around $800,000 in double-dipped rebates.
2012 - Established a code signing process for our Java Webstart App, MOM. Around this time Java started to provide addtional security notifications on self-signed apps so this was a new process. This put our customers at ease knowing the application was genuine and served by Boise Cascade.
2011 - Created application to handle uploading and storing tax certificates tied to customers. The tax certificate documents were stored in OnBase, a document storage solution. Documents were given file retention policies and indexed with keywords for searching.