Attempting to automate all the things.
Attempting to automate all the things.
Responsible for the creation, deployment and management of internal development tools and the platforms they run on.
Our team focuses on high availability of the services and platforms we manage by utilizing IaC tools like Terraform, Packer and Ansible.
To facilitate deployment of internal tooling, we leverage the full Hashistack which includes Vault, Consul and Nomad High-Availability clusters which are deployed using custom Terraform Modules onto an On-Prem Openstack cluster.
Designed and deployed a Vault, Consul, and Nomad stack for internal production use
Migrated the companies Product Development unit away from Bitbucket to Gitlab
Provided Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline support and workshops for developers to assist with migrating away from Jenkins
Provide direct support to cPanel customers including remote live server troubleshooting
Provide onsite and remote support to the UTMB Galveston campus
Troubleshooting network/vpn connectivity issues
Virtual Machine configurations(VirtualBox, Parallels, VmWare)