Jack Dunn

Jack Dunn

Software developer

Professional Skills Summary

Programming Languages: Javascript, C, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP

Web Development: React.js, Next.js, JSX, Vue.js, Svelte, SvelteKit, Express.js, Node.js, jQuery, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Nginx

Media: UK Media Law, Live Video, Live Video Mixing, Audio Mixing, Streaming Media

Work Experience

2022-05-31 to Present

Technical Manager:

I was responsible for the website, equipment, and training. I revamped the website, and am now expanding the website team to help members gain experience. I'm also producing a Dungeons and Dragons show, and have organised or helped at multiple other productions.

I launched a brand new website, and created a team to maintain it

I organised training for new members

2022-10-17 to Present

Teaching Assistant:

I helped first-year students in their studies during labs. I enjoy helping others, especially in helping people learn/

I taught/answered queries about SQL databases

I taught/answered queries about Computer Science fundamentals

2018-07-24 to 2018-07-31

Web Developer:

I completed 1 week's unpaid work experience. This was my first experience of coding in the workplace.


2021-10-31 to 2024-07-31

Lancaster University

BSc Hons: Computer Science

2019-09-30 to 2021-08-31

Alcester Grammar School

A-level: Computer Science

2017-09-30 to 2019-08-31

Alcester Grammar School

GCSE: Computer Science


2019-01-31 to 2021-10-31

St Peter's Church, Kineton

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I helped to be a sound engineer at church services. This involved going on a course on sound mixing. Afterwards, my experience with computers led the vicar to turn to me for support in transitioning the church to a live-stream in an unobtrusive yet high-quality way. This included finding the right equipment and advising on how to improve quality. I also used nginx to set up simulcasting. The church now uses this technology every week in its services, and also for additional services such as weddings.

I helped to pivot services to livestreaming online quickly

I mixed sound during services

St Thomas's Church, Lancaster

I felt my skills from LA1TV would help me in this role, and so I volunteered myself to help. I am moving towards sound-mixing for them too.

I vision-mixed for a lively service

  • English
  • Native Speaker