Cesar Landeros

Passionate software engineer, always curious and looking into new technologies, self-taught geek, very critic of my own work. I believe that anyone can achieve whatever they want if that person commits to it, i love sharing my experiences and knowledge if i see interest. And i love music, movies, tv shows, books, video-games, all that because they give me thing to talk with friends and family.

Kimanta 2017-01-01 —

Tech lead

Leading a team of 3 developers in a Linkedin-like social network for real estate agents and brokers, this was the core team that migrated from CORB.mx, and because we already had a good set of engeneering practices, we mostly focused on performance and resolving the most critical technical-debt that the project got over the almost 3 years in development, i planned, along with my colleagues, the best strategies to enhance the performance and mantainability of the project, while also deploying new features.


  • Migrated from a monolithic server to a new architecture using AWS, implementing a CDN, load balancers and other services to recuce load on the main app server.
  • Designed new solutions to reduce thecnical debt
  • Pushed a test driven develompment culture on the team to get more reliable deployments.

CORB.mx 2015-03-02 — 2016-12-31


Lead the CORB.mx teams on coding best practices, applying proven good software engineering methodologies. Thanks to this, our teams where more productive, less prone to error and the clarity of communication between clients, developers and testers was improved. Since then we are delivering products always on time.


  • As part of an awesome team, I collaborated in the development with React, Flask, MongoDB, Redis, PHP and SASS for an e-commerce dedicated to car spare parts.
  • Created a platform and its landing page for user created story publications and voting system. The release workflow was developed with browserify and gulp, the web app with React, SASS, Lumen and MySQL. This technologies where chosen thinking in mantainability and thanks to their healthy community.
  • Built with a tiny team a mobile app for offline access to e-learning content with React Native, Electron and Redux for Android and Windows, using Gitlab CI for the release process.
  • Collaborated with an agency to finish a gamified e-ecommerce mobile app build with React Native for both Android and iOS platforms and their backend build with NodeJS and Strongloop.
  • Created a tiny open source module for React Native integration with OpenPay.
  • Enhanced the development workflow of kimanta.com setting guidelines to the development process inspired by open source projects like Gitlab, Styleguides for the codebase, implemented the Continuous Integration for builds, tests and deployments using shell scripting and Docker, the code review process and migrated from a very early Gulp workflow to JSPM and to settle with just Webpack and npm scripts.

CORB.mx 2014-03-24 — 2015-03-02

Front-end developer


  • Built a theme for Worpress.
  • Built a Woocommerce plugin as a wrapper for payments with conekta.io.
  • Technical lead for Kimanta.com -a social network for real estate brokers- with AngularJS and the Laravel framework.
  • Implemented a re-design for the libraries platform of an important University in the south of California with HTML5, SASS and Javascript.
  • Front-end development of the landing page for campaign 'Manhood for Good' with connection with Google and other calendars using HTML5, SASS and Javascript.
  • Collaborated in the development with AngularJS, Jade and SASS for a CRM used by a company that sells security services and equipment.
  • Created a completely functional tool for text manipulation and edition in an interactive card creator using Famo.us (when it was cool) and HTML5 Canvas.

AngularJS workshop — 2014


A free AngulartJS 101 workshop for a group of 10 developers.

AngularJS workshop — 2015


A free AngulartJS 101 workshop for a group of 15 developers. focusing on the main patters like controllers, filters, directives and filters

React Native workshop — 2016


A free React Native 101 workshop for a group of 10 developers. focusing on Container/Presentational pattern and Flux using Redux

Universidad de Guadalajara — 2016-12-16

Information Technology
Bachelors degree in computer science (Licenciatura en informatica)

Web Development

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Redux
  • AngularJS
  • NodeJS
  • Express.js
  • Strongloop
  • Laravel
  • AWS
  • Service driven server architecture
  • Docker
  • Design Patterns
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Architecture
  • Continuous Integration
  • Linux
  • bash
  • git (gitflow, gitlab-flow)
  • Webpack
  • Gulp.js
  • Brouserify
  • PHP
  • PHPUnit
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • User Experience
  • Vagrant
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5
  • Pug
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • jQuery
  • Fabric.js
Native speaker




  • Rock, alternative
  • Guitar

Movies and tv shows