Filip Bartuzi

Highly specialized in Ruby and React/Redux environment. Prefers full-stack positions. Experienced in async-remote teams. With years of experience, I've transited from tech-enthusiast to business-oriented engineer. My main focus is to deliver high quality, maintainable code with optimal cost and timeframe. I'm proactive at my job, which means I ask questions if don't understand something and actively report things which could be improved and proceed them with the respect to current project management methodology 2020-10 — 2022-07

Senior Full-stack Software Engineer

Technology stack (BE): Rails 5, dry-ruby, RSpec, ruby-mutations, grape&swagger, pusher, Kafka, Postgres, redis. (FE): react 17, typescript, redux, redux-saga, jest, styled-components, micro-frontends, WebSockets (via Pusher), story-books. Others: DataDog, Sentry, AWS (mostly IVS and S3), Heroku, Kubernetes, Miro, Jira, Figma


  • Hopin is a virtual venue for live online events.
  • Worked in various video-related teams and/or collaborated with them
  • Shipped features in the area of RTMP/Webrtc streaming, including recordings
  • Integrated with external and internal services to streamline video & recording process
  • Worked in back-end monolith, microservices, SPA front-end, and micro frontends
  • Conducted technical interviews for front-end and back-end positions
  • Involved in first-line support rota for production P0/P1 triages
  • Took ownership of a delivery plan and tickets refinement for major features
  • Worked in full CI/CD and weekly releases environment 2019-09 — 2020-09

Senior Software Engineer

Online insurance broker in UK & USA, with around ~ 1mil customers. New features / maintenance to various parts of the system. Stack: Ruby/Rails/Sinatra, JS/React/Gatsby, AWS(S3), Cloudflare, Docker, Kibana, Kafka, Snowflake, SEO


  • One of the top online insurance brokers in UK, ~1mil customers
  • Cross-continental team
  • Refactored legacy react code to maintainable and testable smaller chunks
  • Migrated components into its own package (we had 4 packages of front-end tools)
  • Introduced new microservice for SPA
  • Created new types of structures for Kafka/snowflake stream
  • Assisted/implemented running A/B Tests
  • Greatly improved tests LOC coverage
  • Implemented testing strategies for front-end
  • Improved bundling and build time for gatsbyJS application
  • Integrated third-party transfer of quote (backend and front-end)
  • Triaged production errors (mostly backend) 2018-04 — 2019-09

Senior Software Engineer

Ruby/Rails/Sinatra, JS, AWS New features/maintenance to payments, invoicing and financial infrastructure to international chauffeur booking app (60 countries, over 300 cities, multiple currencies)


  • New features/maintenance to payments, invoicing and financial infrastructure to international chauffeur booking app (60 countries, over 300 cities, multiple currencies)
  • Integrated new payment method (Stripe)
  • New microservice to handle invoice total (based on AWS SNS/SQS stream)
  • New views, forms, and bugfixes for the back office to improve their accounting tasks
  • Added support for multi-currency on invoices
  • Maintained, executed, and improved monthly tasks to close accounting period
  • Volunteered in production outage (memory-leaking, 100% CPU usage), investigated our services with a profiler, optimized SQL queries

Kreditech Holding SSL GmbH 2016-10 — 2018-03

Software Engineer

E-wallet & personal finance managament (PFM) and marketing campaign managment project. Technology stack: ruby + rails + postgres + minitest, JS (ES6) + react + redux + +mobx + webpack, golang


  • Top-up cards built on the top of external financial API
  • E-wallet & personal nance management (PFM) and marketing campaign management project.
  • Discovered security loophole for money laundering (and fixed it!)
  • Added 'Invite a friend' feature
  • Changed tests methodology to our payment gateway (we've co-operated with MasterCard partner) - introduced 'fake'
  • Learned to react/redux from scratch in weeks and actively transitioned from back-end position to full-stack
  • New golang HTTP service
  • Introduced new golang executable for parallel computing of massive data collection
  • Discovered and opened PR for a bug in ActiveRecord sourcecode.

OnePageCRM 2015-10 — 2016-10

Ruby on Rails Developer

New features / maintenance to web application. Stack: Ruby, (pure) JS, jQuery, React, sidekiq, many-many-many API integrations


  • CRM with dozens of external API integrations
  • Added new integration (and migrated old) email reader functionality
  • Improved test coverage of current integration
  • Migrated few views from haml/slim templates to React components

netguru 2015-07 — 2015-10

Ruby on Rails Developer

Internal data mining project. Stack:Ruby, sidekiq, salesforce, multiple api integrations, web scraping


  • Added support for new webpages and APIs to data mining project
  • Improved integration with sales of our data mining engine
  • Code-review for multiple projects
  • Improved our conversation rate of cold-emailing by couple % (conversion >6%)

Monterail 2014-01 — 2014-11

Junior Ruby on Rails Developer

I worked only on Rails 4.0+ projects. I have spent my time mostly on the Spree E-Commerce project (Spree 2.1) releasing many extensions and modifying already existing ones (I've contributed to open-sourced spree extensions). I have also learned the basics of AngularJS, practiced RSpec and Cucumber testing, and highly improved my overall Ruby performance. My work was heavily focused on back-end coding. Monterail is a Ruby on Rails & AngularJS web development team with strong product and UX design expertise.


  • New greenfield project using Spree framework
  • Added new views integrated properly with spree framework (it isn't an easy task)
  • New calculators (taxes and shipment) integrated with Spree middlewares
  • Hosted knowledge-sharing sessions on testing (RSpec and cucumber/gherkin practices)
  • Multiple contributions to open-source spree plugins
  • Forked and improved spree plugin

Bitmaker Labs 2013-06 — 2013-09


Participated in an intensive 11-week Bootcamp designed to learn the fundamentals of HTML/CSS, HAML/SASS, Test Driven Development, JS/Coffee, JQuery, and Ruby on Rails.

Polish-Japanese Academy of IT 2020 — 2022

Computer Science/Data science
Master's Degree


  • Final grade: 4.5. Diploma project: Applications of genetic algorithms to finding strategies in games with randomness on the example of "Settlers of Catan"

Polish-Japanese Academy of IT 2014 — 2018

Computer Science
Engineer's Degree


  • Final grade: 5.0. Diploma project: Implementation of NEAT (Neuroevolution of augmenting topologies) AI in 2d game environment

National University of Ireland, Galway 2015 — 2016

Computer Science

BitMaker Labs 2013-06 — 2013-09

Web Developer


  • Rails
  • Sinatra
  • PORO
  • ActiveRecord
  • Asynchronus jobs (shoryuken, sidekiq, delayed-jobs, kafka, rabitmq)
  • ActiveRecord
  • non-AR ORMs
  • Dry-rb
  • RSpec/MiniTest
  • Cucumber
  • REST-API (providing & consuming)
  • Mutations


  • React (pre-hooks)
  • React (post-hooks)
  • Redux
  • Thunk / Saga
  • Emotion
  • Storybook
  • jest
  • react-testing-library
  • webpack
  • rollup
  • CSS3


  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Snowflake


  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • CI/CD
  • Cloudflare
  • Static code analyzers
  • Kubernetes


  • S3
  • KMS
  • Serverless
  • RDS
  • IVS


  • DataDog
  • NewRelic
  • Sentry
  • Snowflake
  • Jira
  • Figma


  • Agile
  • Testing practises (BDD/pacts/mutants/schemas/mocks)
  • Security (overall, including securing web applications)
  • Machine learning
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Java (8+)
Native Speaker
Professional Proficiency

Filip is a great engineer with a lot of knowledge around video streaming technologies such as webrtc and rtmp. He has a good sense of humour and remains calm and collected when something goes wrong and investigation is required.

— Ross Francis (same team peer)

I have been working with Filip for half a year now and I can be confident that the software developed by him was the top quality product which could be easily understood and maintained in the future. Filip is well aware of SOLID principles and Clean Code guidelines and is also keen to learn new technologies both in the frontend and backend of the technology stack. I recommend Filip for any company looking for Ruby On Rails or Full Stack Developer.

— Leon Kananowicz (same team senior peer)

I’ve had a chance to work with Filip in one company for some time. I can wholeheartedly say that he is a good developer with a huge potential to be one of the finest devs in the world. He is really engaged in writing code with best practices in mind. He is very inquisitive about how ruby and rails work and won’t stop exploring until he finds an answer. He also does an impressive code review to his peers.

— Piotr Jurczynski (direct manager)

Despite his young age, Filip already possesses broad knowledge about programming. He's a quick learner, passionate about solving problems and understanding all underlying concepts, and always looking for new things to experiment with. I'm sure any team would benefit from having him on the board as he is naturally very open and communicative person. He's not afraid to ask for help or share his opinions. At Monterail he initiated countless ad-hoc knowledge-sharing sessions, both seeking guidance and providing useful insights on his own.

— Michał Szajbe (direct manager / co-founder)

I've met Filip in June/2013 during the Web Development course at Bitmaker Labs. He was well ahead of most of our classmates and it was incredible how much knowledge he already had. He finished every assignment with ease and was always willing to help anyone that needed. Every time I was in trouble, he was there to support me and patiently taught me basic programming principles, and gave me the confidence to keep going. He's very passionate about the field and very dedicated to that. As I told him once if I would hire someone from our cohort, he'd be one of my first choices, and I recommend him to anyone who's looking for an excellent, dedicated, and enthusiastic programmer.

— Alice Lara Rezende (fellow student)

References listed above are publicly posted on my LinkedIn profile.

— Disclosure

I agree to the processing of personal data contained in this document for the recruitment process in accordance with the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000) and in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016 / 679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (RODO).